- Turn your life journey on the real path of life awake and elevate your potential energy through yoga for the ultimate goal of life with bless of lord shiva in divine proximity of yogachharya shree mahesha.
- Every persons nature, beliefs, type of aim, faith, interests, efficiency, internal knowledge, thinking capacity and the base of constitution is never the same, because of this, any one type of spiritual method or process may not be useful or helpful to all. but the fact remains that there is no  one on earth who can attain internal peach without knowledge. there is no one who can escape from their duty towards nature (Seva). No One who does not want to be Complete healthy (Swasthaya). But Who May Transfer their uncontrolled and unequalised energy into cosmic energy (ojas) again without balanced attitude (SAMATA) The enlightenment is not possible
- For development of soul consciousness and eternal peace, yogachharya shree mahesha has founded The Real Path Of Life With the milestone of divine virtues like service (Seva), Holy Meeting (Satsang), Yogic Practice (Sadhana), Absolute balanced attitude(Samata), Complete Health (Swasthaya) and Peach (Shanti) With keeping in mind the basic requirement of humen life.
- Achharya Shree Mahesha has founded The Real Path Of Life With a Extensive experiences of personal yogic practice of several years. which is extremely useful for every kind of people for development of soul consciousness to make life successful in its true sense.
- Number of people as per their personality and interest are following this path for their over all progress and development. for this, yogacharya shree mahesha has founded different practices of yog sadhana & Dhyan Sadhana For thousands of people who have gained practical and theoretical guidance to religiously follow the path of spirituality easily, interestingly and successfully without following or beliening in any false miraculous superstitious or without playing with peoples feelings. the real path of life shows a red signal to non religious fake people who display fake  miracles and a light house for sincere yogis and those who desire true knowledge and moksha (Ultimate liberations). The Real Path Of Life Comes From the heart of Every Yog Sadhakas and directly reaches the doorway of God.
- Since the last 15 years The Real Path Of Life Organization is Running Yoga Awareness Marching Which Touches every Part of human Life and awakes the divine ground and supreme self.
- Without any discrimination people from all over the world are invited and accepted in this organization and is always ready to guide inspire & accompany to be fellow travelers of The Real Path Of Life.
- Through the Real Path Of Life to realize the visions of happy, Healthy, Â Holistic, peaceful, prosperous, society far form caste, creed, class, stress, violence, fanaticism through motivating people to adopt yoga as a regular and necessary practice in daily life that in “Divya Nitya Yog Sadhana” (DNYS).
- The Real Path of life included the essence of all spiritual & Yogic Scripture of world. all virtues of TRPOL are the Milestone of this path and these are unavoidable for achieving the ultimate  goal of life through his own demean, shree mahesha guide the fellow travelers of this path who voluntarily want to lead their life towards ultimate aim of human life.
- in ancient Time Bharat (India) Was as Jagatguru. to reestablish the the extinct dignity of india the real path of life working with the virtual principle like seva, satsang sadhana, Samata, swasthya and shanti with these milestone of TRPOL, Numbers of Fellow Travelers Sadhakas actively marching on TRPOL To Make True Achharyas Dream Of Happy, Healthy And Holistic Humanity.
- To Days Modern People of Western Country Deeply and Scientifically accepted the Yogic  culture of India,  although our indian people are yet not as awake as necessary, in this situation it is our holy duty to rememberise the dignified cultural treasure of yog vidhya. so keeping spirituality in one hand and yog in other hand the sadhakas of TRPOL give light in darkness to walk in the real path of life for people who wandering in life.
- we can see the reality fact of society before the eye, clutter, confusion, chaos, anarchy, uncertainty, unrest negligence, a sad dealings, anxiety, unbalanced mental attitude, short vision, religious bigotry, hazardous addiction etc. for todays social culture with above vices the Real Path of life Promote the people individually and at society level to transfer their life positively through yog and meditation.  satsang, sadhana and promotive counselling  so the  candidates of fellow Travelers of TRPOL get Humen pride Spontaneously and they can develop their life in every positive dimensions. and so they can be useful for society, nation and world.
- yog is a complete spiritual science so numbers of sadhakas and yogis accepted yog as a real path of life. they realize the mysterious experience and benefited with complete health that is swasthaya they communally active  to spared and propagate  the divine  activities of yog awareness  marching. the real path of life founded by yogachharya shree mahesha is not only a little course of yogic practice but it is a way for human life which transforms ones life and leads him towards ultimate aim of life.
- as a specific course of yoga. the real path of life is a rekinded, renovated techniques of yoga and meditation and science of transforming life style in personal and social level according to modern humanitarian causes of routine life. a huge body of volunteer are working for this mission and thousand of people are taking advantages and make their life happy, healthy, and prosperous.
- people says that the real path of life is really a real yogic techniques for transform personally and also at social level which include various type of special scheduled yogasana, pranayama, meditation, muadras, shodhan kriya, different type of yogic exercise and yogic sadhana.
- A special type of combination of pranayama and meditation created by shree mahesha which are very helpful to cure stress, anxiety disorder, phobia and many type of psychological and psychosomatic disorder,
- by doing this courses and practicing it regularly one can discover inner treasures of cosmic energy and experience the divine peach within
- through the self experience by attending the real path of life courses, thousands of people realize that it is really a complete technique of yogic science for life improvement which is touch the every aspect of humen life and make life happy, healthy and holistic. By discovering divinity within, people find that the real path of life courses is useful for every kind of people of society. this course provide treatment and prevention of physical, psychological and psychosomatic disorder to keep body and mind sound
- positive attitude is essential for peach, pleasure and personal development. people says that the real path of life improve positive attitude of life so one can achieve success in every positive aspect of life.
- A Specially scheduled yogic technique and scientific combination of pranayama and meditation teach in the courses of the real path of life is effective and influential . so spreading frequently and have already touched the lives of thousands of people and inspire them to make life peaceful and pleasurers.
- The Experienced people of this courses uniquely said in a voice that this courses awake the inner potential cosmic energy which may be utilize for personal transformations to progress spiritually so this courses is useful for every type of people of all level of society like travelers of spiritual journey. an ordinary men to highly qualified people, mentally hypertensive people psychological pt. sufferer of physicals illness, students, pregnant women, old man, all may be benefitted by this courses.

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TRPOL a Perfect yogic path for complete spiritual upliftment for every one, well coming you to be fellow travelers
- SEVA (SERVICE) : To Help, serve, give to needful without any expectation & egoism
- SATSANG (HOLLY MEETING): A spiritual Intimacy with sadguru acharya Through heartily listening of divine discourses in his divine proximity
- SADHANA (YPGIC PRECTICE AND MEDITATION): Regular Practice Of Divya nitya yog sadhana (DNYS) & meditation Abhyas
- SAMTA (ABSOLUTE BALANCE): absolute balanced attitude of individuality with state of higher consciousness
- SWASTHAYA (COMPLETE HEALTH) : Physical fitness, mental soundness with spiritual consciousness followed by synergy between body mind and spirit also called “to stay in real form state of one self – SWASTHAYA
- SHANTI (PEACE): Ultimate peace also called of samadhi or sovereign calmness