Yoga For Endocrine system ( A Special Yogic Treatment Course Available In Yog Kendra ( The Real Path Of Life ) (Divya Yog Parivar)
The Endocrine System Consists of the pineal body, Thymus, Thyroid, Parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, ovaries and testes all under the control of the pituitary gland the endocrine system release hormones which regulate the activities, metabolism and biochemistry of body Tissues.
The Endocrine gland secrete hormones into The bloodstream and body Cavities, maintaining constant hormone levels that enquiries growth metabolism and other important body function.
Hormones secrets by endocrine glands are very little in quantity but it play important and vital role in our life to maintain body and mind in balance.
The relationship between the chief organ of the endocrine system the hypothalamus and the pituitary glands in the brain means that the nervous system and endocrine system are cooperating each other and involved control of body functions and thus nervous system and endocrine system effects on each other and work cooperating in Health of Human.
Generally most off endocrine glands works according to the Subconscious mind. thoughts of conscious mind effects on the spot within the part of second on the secretion of endocrine glands. also the mental stress, dipression, schezophrenia, anxiety disorder, insomia and some physical disease also effect an endocrine secretion and also vise versa.
Ones The Hormonal Imbalance occurs it is very difficult to restore normal and to treat endocrine disorder with allopathic drug. The special yogic course, Yoga For Endocrine System by TRPOL make Harmony between body mind and soul, which is help to keep endocrine systems Healthy and active.
Consulting session is necessary before starting the practical course.
Yog = The Real path Of life Ayurved = The Science Of life Yoga+Ayurved = The Real path of life to Achive the ultimate swasthaya and longevity Mean : The Science of livefull healthy Long living Mean : Happy, Healthy and Holistic life through Yog + Ayurved = Yogayurved
Endocrine System: Balancing Your Body’s Hormones, Energizing Your Life.