Yog & Ayurvedic Treatment, Centres & Courses
- Main Yog Centre of TRPOL Runs a Special Treatment Courses For Particular Diseases Or Disorder and Treat the patient complete natural way.
- A unique combination of yogabhyas and ayurveda (The Yogayurveda canon Of TRPOL) Developed by Yogacharya Shree Mahesha Through extensive research work of 21 yrs of yogic life.
- A Thousand of Patient have taken advantages of those treatment courses and cure their incurable disease
- Without any harmful medication and very simple theme of yogabhyas, MYC of TRPOL cure numbers Of Patient Through out years and also give them the real path of life.
- During Treatment on centre, patient also get guidance regarding healthy diet, necessary suggestion, Precaution and appropriate life style guidance.
Special Yog And Ayurved Treatment Oriented Courses Available In Ours Yog Centers
- Yoga For General Health (GH)
- Yog For Complete Health (CH)
- 10 Step to Heart Reversal (10 SHR)
- Relax Throug Real Path (RTRP)
- Yoga For Mental Relaxetion
- Yoga For Wight Reducation
- Yoga For Digestive System
- Yoga for respiratory system
- Yoga For Joint And Muscular Pain
- Yoga For Phychosomatic Disorder
- Yoga For Blood Circulatory System
- Yoga For Skin And Allergies
- Yoga For Nervous System
- Yoga For Urinary System
- Yoga For Endocrin System
- Yoga For Deadiction
- Yoga For HIV & Cancer
- Yoga For Diabities And B.P.
- Yoga For Kideny Disorder
- Yoga For Thyroide Disorder
- Yoga For Liver Disorder
- Yoga For Paralysis
- Yoga For Immunity And Viral Infection
- Yoga Reproductive System
- Yoga For E N T Disorder
- Yoga For Physical And Mental Purification, Balance And Concentration
- Yogik Shatkarm And Ayurvedik Panchkarma Chikitsa.
Yog = The Real path Of life
Ayurved = The Science Of life
Yoga+Ayurved = The Real path of life to Achive the ultimate swasthaya and longevity
Mean : The Science of livefull healthy Long living
Mean : Happy, Healthy and Holistic life through
Yog + Ayurved = Yogayurved

Available Treatment Therapy
- Yog Theraphy
- Ayurved Theraphy
- Naturo Theraphy
- Pyscho Theraphy
- Accupressure Theraphy

Special Features & Facilities of Ours Yog Centres
- Complete Natural Treatment of incureble disease with the help of yog, ayurveda, naturo theraphy & Accupreasure theraphy.
- Yogic & Ayurvedik treatment without any harmful medication or negative side effects.
- Health checkup & dignosis by experienced ayurvedacharya and yogic traning by expert yog tutor with perfect guidence of yogacharya.
- Individual traning, Group traning and perticular schedule traning for perticular disease.
- Regular & Periodically consulting , councelling & checkup according to disease type.
- We treat the patient not only the disease because body is a complex system and basically connected with the mind and live by spirit.
- We treat not only the sign & symptoms of disease but the root cause of disease will be treat hear,
- Yogic and ayurvedic treatment according to patients constitution, stamina, cause of disease and vaat, pitta and cough dosh (Balanced Tridosh Science).
- Yogic and ayurvedic treatment according to the Diagnosis of Sapt Dhatu (The Constitutional Fundamental Body Metal those are Rasa (lymph), Rakta (Blood), Maas (Muscles), Medd (Fat), Asthi (Bone), Majja (Bone Marrow) And Virya (Semen)).
- Perticular yogic practice schedule and individual traning according to disease type and seveirity.
- Permanant solution of incurable disease or disorder.
- The Real and complete health through natural treatment. and with the treatment , pt. also get the real path of life.
- pt. get triple, physical, mental & Spiritual advantages and will aware of body system and also about how to maintain self complete health forever.
- And as a positive side advantages of yogic treatment mental peace, self confidence and will power will be improve spontaniously.
- Efficiency, stamina and perfection of daily routine work will also be improve by yogabhyas.
- Treatment with combination of yogic science, Ayurved, Adhyatma science, modern medical science, psycho therapy, positive counselling therapy and so patient get more and fast result.
- Treatment courses and academic certificate courses are also available in ours yog centers.
- Fully fresh and ventilated hall and special room for individual practice, also meditation hall and solitary room available here.
- Ladies and gents co-practice and seprate practice facelities also available.
- You can set your practice time according to your suitable time schedual.