A Special yogic course for super genious offspring according to your will.

Garbhsanskar Vigyan Centre & Courses

  • A Special wing of TRPOL Runs Garbhasanskar Vigyan Centres and Courses.
  • Under The perfect supervision and guidance of Didi Shree (Nirudidi) “The MAA GARBHASANKAR KENDRA” Conducts pregnancy Related Special Yogic Courses.
  • Yoga For Pregnancy & Garbhasankar Course is a unique combination of Yog Science and garbhasanskar science created by Nirudidi and Yogacharya Shree Mahesha based on the accumulated experience of many years Teaching, Tutoring and guide the thousand of couple for expected baby in the ” MAA GARBHASANSKAR KANDRA” Of MYC of TRPOL.
  • The Course Yoga for Pregnancy, Garbhasanskar and post natal complete health of mother, is a three divisonal complete yoga course for parents, specially for mother to-be, for preparing couple, physically, mentaly and spiritually, for expected and execellent offspring. the course follow up with 3 part of yogic practice before during and after pregnancy.
  • with garbasanskar vigyan througn YFPG Course
  • You Can Make your baby excellent and according to your expectation.
  • You can Create your babys Individuality better then the best with extra ordinary physically and mentally efficiancy. you can make your offspring, happy, healthy and holistic in nature, powerful in positive mental attitude.
  • you can make you baby beautiful, cultural, cultivated.
  • you can make your baby offspring, genius, noble and virtually excellent.
  • you can make baby connected by heartily intimacy with parents.
  • A Special Course For prudent planing of pregnancy for particular programming of baby inside mothers womb and post natal care of mother health.
  • Sensible and prudential pregnancy planing, excellent programming of baby before birth for expected & Excellent offspring, easier and joyful pregnancy and natural child birth and also post natal Re establishment of complete health of mother.
  • you are obey your holly duty towards your family, society, nation and world by giving birth of noble baby.
  • A Special yogic course for super genius offspring according to your will.
  • The Garbhasanskar is not only that you educate your child but there is development of deep intimacy between the mother and baby.

why this course in important for?

  • to be prepared for better and joyful pregnancy and easy and natural child birth by normal delivery.
  • how to maintain perfect health during pregnancy and spontaneous adjustment with natural and particular change of pregnancy specially for mother.
  • pregnancy is the best experience in womens life. during this time every effect of physical and mental efforts of mother must impact on her womb baby so it is necessary that mother should stay very conscious, towards her every attempt experience, thoughts and desire.
  • after pregnancy to regain complete health and shape of body and restore normal position and tuneup the genital organs of mother for couples personal sex life.
  • YFPG course is the best way to sowing the seeds of divine sacrament and noble virtues in the baby.
  • it is a special modified & Combined yoga course of ancient yog and Garbhasanskar science to crest baby according to parents wish so it is a perfect course for ideal baby.
  • a baby inside the mothers womb is receive, responds to all outside stimulus and has ability to listen and learn the all experience of mother. and it is proved with lots of scientific evidence. doctors and experts also believe that there is a significant effect of the mother’s physical and mental health & Hormonal secretion that are activated by the thoughts of a mother on the unborn baby.
  • the womb baby listens to the mother and feel her all type of feelings even when it is developing in her womb so mother can shape up her baby and YFPG is a practical technical course for to create the baby according to mothers wish, mothers dreams.
  •                                                 YFPG (Yoga For Pregnancy)
pree natal yogic course for preparing couple. physically, mentally and spiritually for excellent geneseeds (sperm of male and ovum of female) for excellent and expected offspring.
  •                                               YFG (Yoga for garbhasanskar)
Antenatal yogic course for programing of baby inside womb during pregnancy for beautiful, healthy, cultivated, cultured, genious, virtual and noble baby with extra ordinary physical & mental efficiency and also baby according to parents expectation
  •                                               YFPC (Yoga for post natal Care)
This After pregnancy course specially for mother for re establish the normal shape and health of body
the regain normal shape of belly
to reduce stress marks and toneup the skin to restore and regularize body systems and hormonal balance to tone up to musculars of genital organ.

For what this course is ?

  • To get healthy, happy, holistic, beautiful, physically & mentally efficient baby.
  • Easier pregnancy & Natural child birth by normal delivery
  • infertility, sterility
  • PCOD (polysystic overian disease)
  • chocolate cyst disorder
  • hormonal imbalance
  • overy & Ovum disorder (in female)
  • Sperm disorder (in Male)
  • Sexual disorder, impotency, loss of libido, sexual weakness
  • irregular & Painful menstruation
  • Fallopian tube blockage
  • recurrent miss abortion
  • nocturnal emission
  • to prevent cesarean operation
  • pregnancy complication
  • when IVF and test tube baby treatment is failed
  • to prevent the allopathic medicine
  • your ideal best born baby
  • expected & Excellent offspring
  • to prevent hereditary disease
  • recurrent leucorrhoea(white discharge problem)

A Special Course For prudent planing of pregnancy for perticular programing of baby inside mothers womb and post natal care of mother health.

Sensible and prudential pregnancy planning, excellent programing of baby before birth for expected & Excellent offspring, easier and joyful pregnancy and natural child birth and also post natal Re establishment of complete health of mother.

Special Features of the YFPG Course

  • Artistic Activities
  • Spiritual Activities
  • Cultural Activities
  • Creative Activities
  • Brain Constructive Activities
  • Positive attitude creation
  • application of visualization technique
  • Programming of sub conscious mind
  • Music Therapy
  • Aum Therapy
  • Relaxation therapy
  • Meditation
  • Modified yoga poses
  • Suppling exercise
  • Physical cleansing & physical alimentation
  • Mental cleansing & mental Motivation
  • Spiritual cleansing & Spiritual positivation
  • Motivational and spiritual reading
  • Modified pranayam practice
  • Special exercise for normal & natural delivery
  • Dieting guidance according to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester and also before and after pregnancy.
  • Mantras writing & Chanting
  • Temple Decoration & Drawing
  • Garbhasanskar yogna & Manas Puja
  • Daily diary ( i Love my baby- diary)
  • Satvic diet, natural scattering & positive thinking.

You are obey your holly duty towards your family, society, nation and world by giving birth of noble baby.

The Garbhasanskar is not only that you educate your child but there is development of deep intimacy between the mother and baby.

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