Health Awareness Marching
As a Part of health awareness mission, TRPOL arrange special program for health awareness periodically through out year.
The Aim of TRPOL’S Health awareness mission is to educate and aware the people Theoretically and practically about health, health care, prevention, precaution, righteous diet habit, regular yogic practice, basic, perfect and real way to live healthy and long life and to guide people with knowledge about complete natural health care and addiction free life.
The Fullest and long living demands healthy life style. without it, body and mind can not remain healthy and sound, rejuvenation, regeneration, freshness and activeness of body and mind is compulsory demand healthy life style. and so you can feel happiness only when you are healthy and so health awareness mission of TRPOL’S is really a divine activities.
The Main approach of TRPOL’S Healthy awareness mission Because awareness improving access to health care personal and social level and so particular medical faculty members of TRPOL’s Give high quality information and practical guidance to needful people in the campaigns program.
Many of people among us are ill but do not realize and recognize himself or sometimes they not diagnosed by any one. This Means That although all type of solution and treatment available but these individuals either do not have awareness or do not available guidance for their health and so TRPOL conduct this divine campaigns to raise health awareness.
The Strategic direction and the out put of all health awareness activities are alighted with TRPOL’S Yog awareness Marching TRPOL’S regularly conduct campaigns, Yog Camp, Free of Charge medical camp periodically.
All activities of the health awareness projects organized according to the specific needs of the undeveloped area, rural and Mostly in tribal Area.
TRPOL Focus on the awareness and prevention and complete natural health care is the Basic precept of TRPOL.
A Special Trainers and doctor Team of Organization awake people by addressing about general under standing and useful necessary knowledge and guidance for health, health care and its service, Basic health needs, personal hygiene, important of cleanliness, vaccination of new born baby.
The Ladies Sadhakas Team Of DYP Give guidance to mother to-be for precaution and carefulness Before during and after pregnancy.
TRPOL arrange specific lecture on “Prevention is better then cure” and awake people about complete natural health care through yog and alternative treatment therapy like acupressure, nephropathy etc.
Acharya Shree Always explain the real definition of “swasthaya” Mean not only the physical health but also mental & Adhyatmic Swasthaya and give principle of “YOGAYURVED”.
An Experienced treatment combination of yog and Ayurveda for prevention and treatment of incurable disease and disorders and also psychological And psychosomatic disorders, acharyashree also explain the anatomy, physiology and health care of respiratory system digestive system and also other biological system of our body.
Some Features of health awareness mission of TRPOL’S.
- To Run health awareness campaigns.
- “Health is True welth” Program.
- “Prevention better than care” program.
- “Sound Mind in Sound Body” Program.
- Swasthay Jagruti Abhiyan
- Awareness Program For personal Hygiene.
- “Healthy Food For a Wealthy Mood” Program.
- Speeches on yog and Ayurveda for Complete Health.
- Arrangement of yog vigyan Avum Yog Chikitsa camp
- Explanation Program about anatomy and Physiology of body biological system
- Arrangement of free of charge diagnosis & Treatment camp
- Arrangement of free of charge eye check up and spectacles distribution camp.
- Awareness program for important of health, health care, prevention and natural treatment.
- Guidance about psychology & Psychosomatic disorder.
- awareness program for personal hygiene and health and balance diet habit.
- Dedication & Rehabilitation program.
- Pregnancy care and family Planing awareness program.
- Pregnancy planing and garbhasanskar program.
- Pandemical precautions awareness program.
- TRPOL For happy, healthy and holistic Life